Thank God for Atheism
To learn more with Rabbi David Ahron visit his website at rabbidavidaaron.com.
Why Would Anyone Want to Be Commanded?

How to Know and Feel G-d in Our Everyday Lives
For some of us, G-d is like a critical Parent or an exacting heavenly Judge. For others, G-d is like a caring Friend Who is there to fix problems after we create them. This talk helps us discover a mature, sophisticated, and empowering understanding of G-d and reclaim the power we’ve replaced with negative images of G-d or passive images of ourselves, and thereby tap the wellspring of holiness from within.
Part of a Whole: The True Existence

The Meaning of Meaning
What meaning do you have?
What recognizes things such as love, beauty, and power? Our eyes or our souls?

How to know God
What recognizes things such as love, beauty, and power? Our eyes or our souls?
All Is God