Why Me, G-d? Where Is G-d When It Hurts?


Open a newspaper anywhere, any day, and you will see headlines screaming of pain and sadness. Since the days of Job, man has asked the same question over and over: Why me, G-d? We may never comprehend G-d, but we should know that G-d, Who understands the purpose of pain, feels the intensity of our suffering; every tear we shed becomes His.


Why You Have to Struggle


Be inspired by Justice Bernstein who overcame overwhelming odds to become the very successful person he is today. Learn how challenges and struggles are meant to make you a stronger person, and that your life isn’t meant to be ordinary, but rather extra-ordinary. At the same time, it’s the simple things in life that one can experience and perform with ease, which should be savored, treasured, and not taken for granted. Recognize that there are miracles constantly happening around you, but they require conscious awareness and appreciation.


Why Does G-d Allow Suffering?


If we could understand why people suffer, what would we lose?

Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein gives the answer to the million dollar question, and why it is important not to know. In this short video he comes to the crux of the main problem in marriage and relationships.

Please visit rabbiweinstein.com for inspirational weekly videos, lectures and audio classes.


If God is Good, Why is The World So Bad?


Is belief in G-d a greater challenge than believing in the existence of evil? How can we witness the misery and suffering of humanity and still accept that He controls the world? This informative and comforting lecture addressed these painful questions and puts G-d back where He belongs—in the driver’s seat.


The Jewish View on Suffering


Jews speak about suffering from experience.

For the first time since King Solomon, the Jews are experiencing a degree of peace. Despite the state of Israel constantly facing attack, nevertheless it is a sovereign nation with its own army. Rabbi Simon Jacobson speaks about suffering today being on a more psychological level. When running for your life there is no room to think about abuse and depression. The ability to forge ahead with resilience distinguishes the Jews more than their suffering.


When Bad Things Happen in G-d’s World


We can not deal with human suffering without taking G-d into consideration.

Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet clarifies how G-d runs his world and how free choice can lead to beauty or horror. G-d chose Egypt to enslave the Jewish people, but the Egyptians chose to torture and murder us; the Nazis operated the crematorium, not G-d. Rabbi Schochet lays out the framework to understand what G-d’s plan is and how we can live with it.
