The Kabbalah of Jewish Food


In this lecture, delivered by Mrs. Rochel Kaplan, we delve deeper into the idea of Kabbalah. We hear and read a lot about Kabbalah, but did you know that it’s actually possible to live your life following the precepts of Kabbalah? Through infusing spirituality into physicality , we bring about a balance in the world. The achievement of this balance is the fundamental goal of Kabbalah. Food plays a big role in our lives. Not only for pleasure, food also has the ability to be elevated to a high spiritual level. All the Jewish foods we eat- think Matzah and gefilte fish- has a deeper meaning according to kabbalah. In this fascinating talk, given at the National Jewish Retreat, Mrs. Rochel Kaplan explains these concepts, as well as a guide to “The Kosher Diet”, and how it can help you live your life better.


Mazal Tov


Wishing Mazel Tov brings a divine infusion that can strengthen.

The root of the word mazel is to drip; Rabbi Aryeh Weinstein presents the divine drip, the spiritual intravenous flowing from the word.


Sabbath Fish


When I arrived in the States as a young immigrant, just after the end of World War II, I heard stories of “our boys” in the service who had been stationed in the far corners of the world, cut off from any contact with their families. When the Jewish chaplain was able to get them gefilte fish on Friday night or a Jewish holiday…

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Fear G-d


Charlie Harary explains in his clear and down-to-earth way how The Six Constant Mitzvos are the building blocks of our relationship with God.
In this video Charlie moves on to the 5th rule of building our relationship with God.


Wine and Dine the Shabbat Way


The magical setting of the Shabbat meal ushers peace and harmony into Jewish homes around the globe. This is your chance to master the practices that make it so unique: lighting the Shabbat candles and reciting the kiddush over wine. You will learn everything you need to know about these treasured traditions.
